Mind Therapy
Counselling or Psychotherapy is a process which takes place in a session focused on healing and give more constructive approach to deal with the problems . There is no harm in visiting psychotherapist. Millions of people visit a psychotherapist every year and most research proved that people who do so benefit from the interaction .
Psychotherapy is time limited and focuses on specific goals.
How Psycho-therapy works?
Psycho-therapy enhances a healthy mind and affective thinking. This can prove to be a priceless asset in any profession. With positive thoughts, one will approach work with rejuvenated confidence, communicate appropriately, coordinate with others effectively, organize time efficiently and perform the tasks with overall objectives in clear view.
Psychotherapy must be adapted to meet the developmental needs of children also.
Dr Preeti highly recommends her clients with a combination of psycho – therapies in healing the emotions and to improve every aspect of their health affecting their future growth and also enhancing their contribution to their organization and to the society.